Friday, March 21, 2008

I'm Tired.

O.k., I'm fried from an extra-long work week, so instead I'm just gonna give a few recommendations.

Lydia, Illuminate
I first really heard this band on Monday, ordered the CD, and it arrived yesterday. It's basically Beneath Medicine Tree part 2, for better or worse. Mindy White adds some keys and vocals which fit perfectly in this indie blend, and help give it a bit more of a distinctive sound. Things get confusing on "Hospital," though, when Copeland's Aaron Marsh shows up to add vocals to the most Copeland-sounding non-Copeland track ever. Good stuff. Current favorite track: "A Fine Evening for a Rogue" ("don't you ever get lonely?")

Once, Original Soundtrack
I just saw this movie last night. It reminded me of why I could never fall for a girl who is an accomplished musician; we'd just fight like James and I do (which is fine for James and me, but probably not for a stable opposite-sex relationship). Anyway, the songs are fun, and the part on the bus near the beginning of the film was a total Jonathan Greener moment.

Death Cab for Cutie, "I Will Possess Your Heart"
O.k., this song isn't as good as it is long. It sounds really thin compared to... well, everything else Chris Walla has ever produced. Oddly, the first 4-1/2 minutes sound like seminal Wheaton jam band I.R.A.T.E., while the last 4 minutes (did I mention it's a long song?) have some good lyrics, but overall are quickly forgotten. I'm still optimistic about Narrow Stairs, releasing in May, but not quite as much as I was.

Motion City Soundtrack, Even If It Kills Me
This album didn't make it into 2007's Top Ten, and I'm still bothered by the "She's the pizza of my eye" lyric, but it's a really solid album. And the production perfectly matches the band's sound, elevating the songs higher than they could reach on their own. Current favorites: title track, "This Is For Real," "Last Night"

That's all. The tank's dry. Have a great Easter weekend.


Lewis said...

Thanks for the recommendations.

Lars said...

While I'm still not sold on Lydia ("Beneath Medicine Tree part 2" is an overly generous comparison, which was confirmed for me when I listened to BMT the other day after listening to Illuminate a couple times), I am obviously VERY pleased to hear that you're enjoying Even If It Kills Me. Love that album. And I totally agree with your comments about the production (in fact they remind me of the comments I made about the album in my "Favorites 2007" post).

bethanybeams said...

I just laughed out loud reading that about how the scene from "Once" is a Jonathan Greener moment, because you got it exactly right. Only problem is, I'm at work and I now look like an idiot.

Thanks, Exley. Thanks a lot. :)